Monday, September 30, 2019

Possession of Knowledge Tok

TOK Outline Essay title – â€Å"The possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility†. Evaluate this claim. What knowledge issues I think are involved †¢How can you possess knowledge? How do you acquire it and do these ways affect your responsibility of imparting it on others? †¢How is the knowledge you have affected by your personal ethics? Some people would have no problem giving out certain pieces of knowledge while others would be very trouble giving out exactly the same information. †¢How can one know when they are ethically responsible?How do you know how big the impact of the knowledge you are giving will have on the recipient? Ways of knowing, Areas of knowledge that are involved. †¢Ways of knowing oReason – Has huge relevance to the essay title. You use reason to decide how the knowledge you have will affect the recipient and if it is ethically responsible to do this. oEmotion – Emotion will always affect your decision s when doing something, For example if you don’t want to say something to someone as it may hurt them but they have a right to know.Introduction: †¢State my view on the claim, whether I agree/ disagree oI agree with the statement above, its up to you whether or not to impart certain knowledge you have, depending on the situation. Person you’re speaking to, what the knowledge is, how it will affect them. †¢Thesis statement. 2nd paragraph †¢Try and explain the knowledge issues; â€Å"How can one know when they are ethically responsible† etc. See above for a list of some knowledge issues. †¢Discuss ethics, ‘possession of knowledge’ rd paragraph †¢State first area of knowledge – Ethics †¢State an example linking the AOK to the title. oAlbert Einstein’s involvement in the creation of the atom bomb. Knew it was going to be used in warfare. †¢Link it to the thesis statement, for and against oAs a scientist e thically responsible to impart his findings to the world. oBut as a human being he could have kept it to himself in order to save people’s lives †¢Make sure that both sides of the argument are stated. 4th Paragraph Same as 2nd paragraph except with second area of knowledge – Natural and human sciences. †¢Biology – example would be Ben Johnson at the 1988 olympic. Doctors ethical responsibility to give him the drugs knowing their effect and the details while Ben Johnson just trusted his professional ability. †¢Economics – Bank crisis in 2008. Did the banks have an ethical responsibility to tell the public that their money was being used for other things, instead of just letting the money be lost and telling them after they had invested it all. th paragraph †¢Explain how ways of knowing will be linked to the claim – Reason †¢Provide example. oIf someone stops you on the street and asks for directions then you use reason to de termine that it seems perfectly fine for you to impart the knowledge you have and that it coincides with your ethics. 6th paragraph †¢Same as above with other way of knowing – emotion oA doctor giving the results of tests to a patient and telling them that they are terminally ill.They may not want to impart that knowledge as they know it will greatly affect the person and emotionally you wouldn’t want to be giving that information. But they are ethically responsible as professionals to give that information. oAnother example that would go with this is a police officer having to tell the next of kin that they family member has died. Conclusion †¢Evaluate all the points that have been talked about. †¢Restate your thesis statement and talk about if you agree/ disagree again. †¢Don’t bring up any new points! †¢Round off the essay nicely, no trailing points.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Final Exam Blue Print Essay

Gowns: prevent soiling clothing during contact with patient Masks: should be worn when you anticipate splash or spray of blood or body fluid and satisfy droplet/airborne precautions. Protective eyewear: should be worn for procedures that generate splashes or splatters Gloves: prevent the transmission of pathogens by direct/indirect contact. This equipment protects you from waste materials such as wounds, blood, stool, and urine. Indwelling urinary catheters – causes of risk for infections An indwelling urinary catheter obstructs the normal flushing action of urine flow. The presence of a catheter in the urethra breaches the natural defenses of the body. Reflux of microorganisms up the catheter lumen from the drainage bag or backflow of urine in the tubing increases the risk of infection. Surgical asepsis uses verse medical asepsis Surgical asepsis is used during procedures that require intentional perforation of patient’s skin, when skin’s integrity is broken, or during procedures that involve insertion of catheters. * Sterile objects remains sterile only when touched by another sterile object * Place only sterile objects on sterile field * Sterile object/field out of the range of vision or held below waist is contaminated * Sterile object/field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air. * When sterile surface comes in contact with a wet, contaminated surface, the sterile object/field becomes contaminated by capillary action * Sterile object becomes contaminated if gravity causes contaminated fluid to flow over the objects surface * The edges of sterile field/container are considered to be contaminated. Medical asepsis, or clean technique, includes procedures for reducing the number of organisms present and preventing the transfer of organisms. Hand hygiene, barrier techniques, and routine environmental cleaning are examples of medical asepsis. Nursing intervention when assessing bradycardia radial pulse Can cause pulse deficit. To assess a pulse deficit 2 nurses are needed to assess radial and apical pulse simultaneously and compare rates. The difference between apical and radial pulse is the pulse deficit. Assess the ability of the heart to meet the demands of body tissue for nutrients by palpation a peripheral pulse or using a stethoscope to listen to heart sounds (apical rate) Pulse sites Temporal, carotid, apical, brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, Dorsalis pedis Critical Thinking- chapter 15 Examples of application of critical thinking (you may have to scan the chapter, no specific section to apply to the question) Know what would be considered critical thinking * Critical thinking involves recognizing that an issue exists, analyzing information about the issue, evaluating information, and making conclusions. * Critical thinking is a continuous process characterized by open-mindedness, continual inquiry, and perseverance. * Diagnostic reasoning: determining a patient’s health status after you have assigned meaning to the behaviors and symptoms presented. * Inference: process of drawing conclusions from related pieces of evidence. * Clinical decision making: careful reasoning so the best options are chosen for the best outcomes. * Nursing process: five-step clinical decision-making approach. Five components of critical thinking. * Knowledge base * Experience * Critical thinking competencies * Attitudes * Standards Professional standard for critical thinking * Intellectual: the intellectual standard is a guideline or principle for rational thought. * Professional: the professional standard refers to evidence-based ethical criteria for nursing judgments used for evaluation and criteria for professional responsibility. Patient Safety- chapter 27 Patient safety during seizures * Seizure precautions encompass all nursing interventions to protect the patient from traumatic injury, position for adequate ventilation and drainage of oral secretions, and provide privacy and support following the seizure. * Seizure precautions are nursing interventions to protect patient from traumatic injury, positioning for adequate ventilation and drainage/oral secretions, and providing privacy and support after event. Fall risk prevention and interventions The plan for a patient who has high risk for falls. 1. Select nursing interventions to promote safety according to patient’s developmental and health care needs. 2. Consult with OT and PT for assistive devices 3. Select interventions that will improve the safety of patients home environment Interventions * Nursing interventions for promoting safety are individualized for patients’ developmental stage, lifestyle, and environment. * Note the safety locks and anti-tip bars on the wheelchair. * Nurses contribute to a safer environment by helping patients meet basic needs related to oxygen, nutrition, and temperature. * Adequate lighting and security measures in and around the home, including the use of nightlights, exterior lighting, and locks on windows and doors, enable patients to reduce the risk of injury from crime. * Modifications in the environment will easily reduce the risk of falls. To reduce the risk of injury in the home, remove all obstacles from halls and other heavily traveled areas. * Prevention of accidental fires and poisons requires awareness of precautions such as not smoking in bed and keeping hazardous substances out of reach of children. * Safety bars provide excellent prevention against falls. Safety risk-Risk at developmental stages * Children younger than 5 years of age are at greatest risk for home accidents that result in severe injury and death. * The school-aged child is at risk for injury at home, at school, and while traveling to and from school. * Adolescents are at risk for injury from automobile accidents, suicide, and substance abuse. * Threats to an adult’s safety are frequently associated with lifestyle habits (smoking, drinking, hazardous work, etc.). * Risks for injury for older patients are directly related to the physiological changes of the aging process. Risk * 16-19 : car accident * 75 and up: falls and car accident * Older adults have decreased vision acuity and hearing loss making them at risk for MVA and hearing sirens or horns. Decrease reflexes occur with aging. * Lead can be in paint, soil, water and can be inhaled or swallowed. * 64 years and older; decreased vision, orthostatic hypotension, gait and balance problems, urinary incontinence, use of walking aids, effects of various medications (sedatives, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, analgesics. * Falls occur due to inadequate lighting, barriers along walk paths and stairways, and lack of safety devices in home. * Patients most at risk of injury are those with bleeding tendencies (disease or medications), and osteoporosis (results in fractures). Every developmental age involves specific safety risks: * Children younger than 5 years of age are at greatest risk for home accidents that result in severe injury and death. * The school-aged child is at risk for injury at home, at school, and while traveling to and from school. * Adolescents are at risk for injury from automobile accidents, suicide, and substance abuse. * Threats to an adult’s safety are frequently associated with lifestyle habits (smoking, drinking, hazardous work, etc.). * Risks for injury for older patients are directly related to the physiological changes of the aging process. Priority planning patient care (this is using your critical thinking skills and wouldn’t be found in a section of the book) * In many situations, patients present with multiple nursing diagnoses. Use a concept map to visualize how nursing diagnoses interrelate. * Establish goals with the patient’s self-care abilities and resources in mind, and focus on maintaining or improving the condition of the skin and oral cavity. * Patient’s skin is clean, dry, and intact without signs of inflammation. * Patient’s skin remains elastic and well hydrated. * Patient’s skin is free from areas of pressure. * Timing is also important in planning hygiene care. * In hospital or extended care settings, work closely with nursing assistive personnel, who often provide hygiene care. * Collaborate with other health team members as indicated (e.g., work with physical therapy and occupational therapy to enhance the patient’s independence with self-care activities). * When a patient needs assistance as a result of a self-care limitation, the family often becomes a valuable resource to the nurse an d helps with hygiene measures.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Accounting - Essay Example taining â€Å"MCS† sends out the message that the new owners intend to continue and build on the already existing good services and reliability that 40% of its domestic market have come to appreciate over the years. Furthermore, changing the name has its own costs, for example, the stationery (invoices, receipts, letterheads), and signage have to be altered to reflect the new name change. The other embedded costs are that the new company now has to build a new brand for itself, granted its not from scratch, however both these costs are higher than the benefits of keeping the original name. On the other hand, of course, changing the name will alert customers and suppliers that there has been a change of guard and including you name (Pinessi) well known in the mining industry will have its own benefits. However, these benefits might still be realised if the business keeps it original name and the industry alerted to the fact that you are now a partner in the business, via press release or other public relations technique. MCS Mining Supplies is a leader in the mining supplies industry. We manufacture drill products that suit a range of customers, from those requiring high volume to those needing unique, custom drill aparatus. MCS is comprised of a highly skilled staff complement that designs customised drill bits to order, ahead of deadline. We currently have manufacturing plants located at two sites in Western Australia, Perth and Kalgoorlie, and in Mount Macarthur in Queensland. We supply 40% of the domestic market and have extended into the rapidly expanding East Asian market, taking with us a brand recognized for quality, capacity and reliability. We ain to expand our construction industry market share in both the domestic and East Asian markets. Our Korean arm is particularly well-positioned to serve the ever expanding China construction industry market, which in the largest domestic market in the world. We are also diversifying our product line and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Money judgment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Money judgment - Assignment Example Unless you make a will, your favourite persons may fall in problem when you will be no more in the world because the laws of intestacy suggests that your estate will not automat-you to realize easily what's the result of not making a will. Before making a will you need to be sure of the total sum of the property you have and you would like to distribute. Furthermore, you also have to know the fact among whom persons you can distribute the property by making a will. I think it's better for you to make a reciprocal will so that you and Jennifer can mirror each other in that case when one of you will die the property will go to the survivor and then to your children. There are certain elements what make a will legal. -"You should never attach anything to your Will by way of a paper clip, pin or otherwise or in any way leave any mark on it. Such marks can cause great difficulty when it comes to prove your Will in the probate registry. -You should have an idea about the tax liability on your death as many married people are quite unaware of the potential tax bill they leave to their family on the death of the second partner" (Life, n.d.). In spite of achieving cherished effect it contains mentionable draw back from inheritance tax system, because the liability goes to inheritance tax that's why in the time of next death of the survivor, this tax will go to your join property. It has been decided in the tax year of 2006/2007 inheritance tax is not necessary to pay between the spouse. "Transfer between spouses is generally free of inheritance tax. If an individual simply leaves all their estate to their surviving spouse then the nil-rate band is effectively wasted" (Deloitte, 2007). When (Mr. Hoames) you will die having made no chargeable transfers when your survivors will not be benefited by this nil-rate band. If you leave your enter estate to Mrs Jennifer and she will set 312000 of nil rate band against her inheritance tax estate. However, this tax liability may go to the others (such as your relatives) if the total value of the property exceeds 285,00 (2006-2007). And excess value above the nil rate band up to 312000 (2008-2009) is liable to inheritance tax at 40%. This figure is called "nil rate band" HM revenue and customs: rates and allowances (HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs). (n.d.). "Alternatively, it may be possible to pass on some of the assets on first death but enable your spouse to still have financial security after your death by using your will trust" (Money Minder, 2005). You can use the nil rate band by making an effective will and in this way you can save 114,000 and control your own inheritance tax planning. I hope, you

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thomas a Kempiions, The Imitation of Christ(Book2) Essay

Thomas a Kempiions, The Imitation of Christ(Book2) - Essay Example The book had been written at much more troubled time than our own and makes a soulful reading. Book 2 touches meditation, humility in life, the need of goodness and peace in man to live life on this earth, necessity of purity of mind and heard and unity of purpose etc. It mainly focuses on self of the reader and the resultant happiness by having a good conscience. It reminds the necessity of loving Jesus, friendship with Jesus, and not desiring to have a share in comfort. It teaches how to appreciate God's grace and his blessings. It preaches the need to love the cross as the symbol of sacrifice and suffering and choose the path on the 'Royal Road' of the Holy Cross. The main point of the book is "God is within you" and the necessity of despising external things. "He who follows me, walks not in darkness" The Treatise says that by devoting self and making the inner kingdom ready for Christ, an individual can invite God to himself2. The first chapter calls for the renouncement of all external worldly belongings to devote time and energy for the spiritual devotion and heavenly thoughts3. The second chapter is about its humility and its uses4 and how much God loves a humble individual. It says that the humble man keeps his conscience clear, suffers in silence, and finds the protection of the God5. The third chapter mainly talks about the goodness and peace in man. ... It says how important it is to be good even to bad people, because it is easy to be nice to the good and difficult to tolerate the bad. Unless one has inner peace, it is impossible to achieve peace for others. It needs great mental strength to treat both kinds of people with the same understanding7. The fourth chapter is about the purity of mind and unity of purpose and it brings forth the importance of simplicity and purity and the need to be free from ill-ordered affection. If the heart is pure any deed could be achieved and anything could be perceived with great clarity8. With pure heart, it is possible to achieve all the joy in the world. Fear of toil, welcoming external comfort, and growing lax will make the individual more sluggish. Instead, he should welcome suffering to attain inner light9. Chapter 5 is about self and the about the need to put our inner house in order, hold tongues about others10, and avoid relying too much on self. It is it is necessary to free self from all temporal cares and treat everything on equal footing11 and regard only God as the superlative of all. The sixth chapter is about the joy of a good conscience12, which is the glory of a good man. Sinners can never rejoice and there is no peace for the wicked and this shows how important it is to maintain a clear, non-reproaching conscience13. It is necessary for the man to think inwardly with good motives, without caring for praise or blame, to do good and think little about it14. The seventh chapter is mainly about loving the God, who is the ultimate true friend, and it is necessary to cling to him till the final breath because Jesus needs your pure heart15. All other outward appearances in which we trust will show one day that they are deceitful and untrustworthy. Chapter 8 once

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Comparison of Structured Analysis to Object-Oriented Analysis Research Paper

A Comparison of Structured Analysis to Object-Oriented Analysis - Research Paper Example The structured approach got accepted and started being widely used for development and system analysis. Then, a methodology was created that helped the development of applications with the object oriented languages. This approach came to be known as the object oriented analysis and design. A comparative analysis has been conducted with respect to these two methodologies, along with their basic infrastructure and techniques. The structured approach enables the analyst to split a complex project into smaller and controllable parts. This approach is based on the step-by-step execution of the phases. The start of an activity in a phase will depend on the completion of activities in the preceding phase. It is based on a top-down, hierarchal approach that produces logical and organized systems (Holon Institute of Technology, n.d.). The structured nature of the design facilitates efficient project management, resource management etc. OOAD approach follows an object oriented approach instead of a functional one that is followed in SSAD (Pefkaros, 2008). An object in OOAD is considered to be any place, person or thing that can have the following aspects related to it; Structured approach promotes the concept of clear steps from the initiation of the project till the end; these steps are conventionally planning, analysis, design and implementation. Whereas the object oriented approach does provide any such specific number of phases. There are no clear steps from analysis to design. Structured System analysis and design is process oriented whereas object oriented system and design is data-oriented. There exists a clear separation between the between the data and the processes of the system in the structured approach, while the data and the processes of the system are encapsulated into objects (Pefkaros, 2008). OOAD seems more flexible and adaptive to changes as compared to SSAD. There can be many benefits gained from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ocean Carriers Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ocean Carriers - Term Paper Example A discount rate of nine percent is used by the ocean carrier. Having in mind that, during the 8 days, the customers would not be charged and each and every new vessel will be devaluated or depreciated on the basis of a straight line for over twenty five years. The market rate that prevails in the daily spot is averagely twenty two thousand ($20,000) dollars every day. A discount rate of nine percent is used by the ocean carrier. While viewing at the projections carried out by analysts of Linn and present growth expectation in the ore and iron markets, the long run view for the sinking bulk industry look promising (Chandraiah 88). The increasing exports of ore and iron will make the demand for sinking to increase. It may also permit shipping firms to enlarge their rates. Nevertheless, as rates start to drop immensely and every shipping vessel needs a huge long-term investment, much risk is attached to the firm. Thus, projections should not, in any way, be considered entirely reliable. In the following year, every day hire rates would likely decline as the ore and iron market is anticipated to enlarge in two years’ time. As a result of the decrease in demand for the new shipping vessel, the price will considerably go down. Assuming that ocean carriers are to be subjected to an American tax rate of thirty five percent (35%), using a nine percent (9%) rate of discount, and anticipated every day hire rates foretold by analysts, the agreed upon lease does not seem to translate into profits. This is because of the large investment that was made at the initial stages (Berezin

Monday, September 23, 2019

How important is it that education is immediately and obviously Essay - 1

How important is it that education is immediately and obviously relevant to the interests of the pupils and to life in society - Essay Example Another education act was passed in 1944; it administered the creation of the Ministry of education, which in turn established compulsory and free secondary school education. The essay discusses how education is important and its relevance to the pupils and the society in the United Kingdom. The types of schools clearly show how education is important in the United Kingdom. Most of the most famous schools in the United Kingdom are the private boarding schools, for instance, the Winchester School. The famous private schools were founded in the middle ages and parents need to pay a lot of fees for their children to study in such schools (Arthur 2010, p. 82). Although, the schools are considered for the influential and rich families; they also offer scholarships for the gifted but poor children. Private schools that take children between the age of 7 and 13 are referred to as kindergartens. On the other hand, those that take children between the age of 11 and 19 are referred to as public schools. Research shows that only 7 per cent of the United Kingdom attends the private schools (O’Hear&Sidwell 2009, p. 34). The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is given at age 16. If the student qualifies, he or she proceeds to the Advanced level of education commonly referred to as the â€Å"A† levels. Some of the students can be advised to stay in school up to age 18 to prepare themselves for higher education. The United Kingdom has 90 universities which the students can enrol. They are divided into several categories. The common universities are the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford (Bubb 2009, p. 56). Apart from the universities, students can also enrol in advanced education. The advanced education mainly focuses on applied technology and sciences, and they are polytechnics (Wright 2010, p.78). The polytechnic focuses on people who may not have qualified to go to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Century Quilt Essay Example for Free

The Century Quilt Essay Marilyn Waniek’s â€Å"The Century Quilt† employs symbolism to relay a young girl’s emotional attachment of a grandmothers’ blanket to that of her own quilt. Waniek’s depiction of the quilt not only serves as a reminder of how passionate the young girl felt about her grandmother’s blanket, but also how she envisioned her quilt to share similar properties that embodied her grandmother’s blanket. In lieu of the literal concept of using the quilt to keep her warm, the speaker suggests that he quilt will tie-in with her grandmother’s blanket in that the memories of her childhood would be preserved. This relationship allows the reader to interpret the symbolic importance of the quilt to that of the girl’s personal desires. It can also be inferred that the quilt also served as a reference to the speaker’s heritage. When describing her quilt, the speaker describes a pattern of squares with the colors of white, brown, and â€Å"the yellowbrown of Mama’s cheeks† (Line 17). These repeating patterns of squares most likely pay homage to the speaker’s mixed heritage, with her family being of both Native American and Caucasian descent. The speaker’s heritage is supported by her visions of her grandmother’s childhood back in Kentucky â€Å"among her yellow sisters; their grandfather’s white family† (Lines 25-26). While one could argue that the speaker is simply reciting the life of her grandmother, it can also be said that the speaker is optimistic about her own future, and that she herself would relive her memories whilst under the quilt, such as meeting her unconceived son. The speaker’s desire to share the same emotional response to her quilt as her grandmother to her blanket signifies the priority Waniek placed symbolism.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Differences of North and South Korea Essay Example for Free

Differences of North and South Korea Essay South Korea is located on the southern part of Korea and boarders and is bordered by Eastern Asia, the southern half of the Korean Peninsula which borders the Sea of Japan, and the Yellow Sea. South Korea has a boring climate in my opinion. It is temperate, and during the summer months there is heavier rainfall than the rest of the year. The terrain in South Korea is much like that of North Korea. It is mostly hills and has mountains. There are wide coastal plains in the west in the south. These areas have many great harbors for fishing. The only natural disaster South Korea is really prone to are typhoons. The population in South Korea is larger than that in North Korea. There are 48,289,037 people which are mostly located along the coast. Sixty-nine percent of the people work in the services department, twenty-one and a half percent work in industry fields, and nine and half percent work in agriculture. There is a close race in South Korea for the number one religion between Christianity and Buddhist. other religions are Confucianism, Shamanism, and Chindogyo. Most people in South Korea speak Korean but more frequently are learning English. The capital on South Korea is Seoul, and South Korea is a Republic. One of the main reasons it is Republic is due to the US involvement in World War II. The president of South Korea is NO Muh-hyun who was elected in 2003. South Korea gained its independence from Japan in 1945 on August 15th. South Koreas biggest traitor is once again America. Popular exports in South Korea are things such as electronic devices, machinery and equipment, cars, steel, ships, clothing, footwear, and fish. In the agricultural department rice, root crops, barley, vegetables, fruit; cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs; fish are the most popular. The currency in South Korea is known as the South Korean won also known as the KRW. One thousand, four hundred and one KRW is equivalent to one American dollar. The GDP in South Korea is nine hundred and thirty one billion dollars for a purchasing party power. Over the past few years, South Korea has gained much power economically. The GDP of South Korea is thirty times that of North Korea. Over the past years economic growth has been impressive. South Korea had come back from a crisis known as the Asian financial crisis of 1997-99. Here debt and legitimacy rations were causes and an effect was South Korea being forced to borrow food and having a very weak economic background. In conclusion it is clear that North Korea and South Korea in some ways are the same but in others are completely different. In my opinion and I am sure in the opinion of many others, South Korea is more successful.